Applications for semiconductors and electronics

As technology continues to advance, the need for thermal management becomes more important. Electronics continue to become more powerful and more capable, which means they also generate more waste heat than devices from previous generations. Managing the amount of heat these create is essential for creating the safest and most efficient products on the market. Without proper thermal management, electronic devices can experience reduced capabilities as well as shorter lifespans and lower energy efficiency.

This is what makes thermal analysis for electronics so critical — it helps designers find the best ways to dissipate excess heat so it won’t affect the device’s performance and efficiency. By providing more effective heat dissipation, manufacturers can effectively increase the processing power of their systems and enable designs that are more compact and convenient for users. Linseis provides thermal conductivity solutions that enable thermal analysis for electronics to help designers and manufacturers improve their products and offer the best possible performance from the devices they create.

Semiconductors such as silicon (Si), germanium (Ge), gallium arsenide (GaAs), Bismuth telluride or cadmium sulfide (CdS) have become indispensable in electrical engineering. Not only do they form the basis for electronic devices such as computers, displays and smartphones, they are also becoming increasingly important in the generation of light. This means that testing silicon conductivity, the conductivity of germanium and other elements has become increasingly important for researchers and manufacturers across multiple sectors.

Semiconductor materials and electronic components based on these diverse materials and difficult manufacturing process are hard to analyze and characterize. The remedy is provided by modern thermoanalytical measuring techniques which, among other things, provide answers to the following questions:

  • Under what circumstances does a silicon chip break?
  • What is silicon’s thermal conductivity in an electronic component?
  • What behavior do thermal sensors show at very high temperatures?
  • Has the adhesive system hardened enough?
  • Does the heat path of a component indicate weak points?

The thermal behavior of semiconductor components during application can be determined with thermoanalytical measuring methods as well as the efficiency of process steps including the layer structure and adhesion properties. The control of implantation profiles (e.g. boron in silicon) or clean room air (e.g. organic components) can also be realized.

Whether your task is product development, quality control, process optimization or damage analysis, Linseis can provide you with the proper product to enhance your investigations concerning electrical resistivity and conductivity. These include thermal analysis for electronics and more. There are countless fields of application for thermal analysis methods such as differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetry (TGA) or thermal (TCA) and electrical transport (HCS) measurement using the LaserFlash (LFA) technique or our proven LSR platform. LINSEIS leads the way in product capability.

Semiconductor und Elektronikbranche

Application measurements