DSC PT 1000

Extremely stable baseline and high reproducibility


To the point

This product was developed as a universal temperature-modeled DSC to cover a wide temperature range (from -180°C to 750°C) for all common applications.
Particular emphasis was placed on an extremely stable baseline and high reproducibility.

The design allows both manual and automatic operation.
The measuring cell is designed to offer maximum mechanical and chemical resistance.
The newly developed ceramic/metal sensor delivers extremely high resolution and sensitivity.

This design offers the highest sensor sensitivity and resolution.
Thanks to our sample changer with up to 90 positions and the automatic gas dosing system, you can operate the device fully automatically at any time.

The following characteristics, among others, can be measured with a DSC: Tg, melting point, crystallization, curing, curing kinetics, onset of oxidation and heat capacity.

Unique features

High-performance sensor

Wide temperature range

High heating
and cooling rates

High reproducibility and stability


Robust design

application options

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+1 (609) 223 2070


+49 (0) 9287/880 0

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Thursday from 8 am to 4 pm
and Friday from 8 am to 12 pm.

We are here for you!



DSC PT 1000*

Temperature range:-180°C to 750°C
Heating rate:0.01 K/min to 100 K/min
Cooling rate:0.01 K/min to 100 K/min
Sensor:heat flux
Sample robot:90 positions
PC Interface:USB
*Specifications depend on the configurations

Data sheet

Available accessories

  • Various gas boxes: manual, semi-automatic and MFC controlled.
  • Wide range of crucibles to choose from (gold, silver, platinum, aluminum, stainless steel (high pressure), etc.)
  • Platen press (also for high pressure)
  • LN2 cooling (down to -180°C)
  • Intracooler
  • Sample robots with up to 84 positions


Making values visible and comparable

The new Platinum software significantly improves your workflow, as the intuitive data processing requires only minimal parameter input.
AutoEval offers the user valuable assistance in the evaluation of standard processes such as glass transitions or melting points.

Thermal Library Product Identification Tool, provides a database of 600 polymers that enables an automatic identification tool for your tested polymer.
Controlling and / or monitoring the instruments through mobile devices gives you control wherever you are.

General functions

  • Software packages are compatible with the latest Windows operating system
  • Set up menu items
  • All specific measurement parameters (user, laboratory, sample, company, etc.)
  • Optional password and user levels
  • Undo and redo function for all steps
  • Stepless heating, cooling or lingering
  • Multilingual versions such as English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, etc. (user selectable)
  • The evaluation software has a range of functions that enable complete evaluation of all types of data
  • Several smoothing models
  • Complete evaluation history (all steps can be undone)
  • Evaluation and data acquisition possible at the same time
  • Data can be corrected with zero point and calibration correction
  • The data evaluation includes: Peak separation software, signal correction and smoothing, first and second derivative, curve arithmetic, data peak evaluation, glass point evaluation, slope correction.
    Zoom/individual segment display, multiple curve overlay, annotation and drawing tools, copy to clipboard, multiple export functions for graphic and data export, reference-based corrections


Application example: Fructose, Glucose and Sucrose

The three processed substances (fructose, glucose and sucrose) have different melting points, which can be precisely determined using the Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC).
Thus, the method is used to determine unknown substances and mixtures can be recognized by molecular weight, such as fructose and glucose.

Application example: OIT “Oxidative Induction Time”/ temperature

First, the polyethylene sample is heated to 200°C in an argon atmosphere at a heating rate of 10K/min.
After 3 minutes in equilibrium, the atmosphere is changed from argon to oxygen.
After a further 5 minutes, the exothermic oxidation of the sample begins.

Application example: spontaneous combustion of cotton fibers

A sample of fabric material made of inorganic minerals with cotton fiber content was measured using a DSC PT 1000 to determine the auto-ignition temperature (ignition point) and heat of combustion of the cotton content.
It is important to distinguish between flash point and ignition point.
The flash point describes the temperature at which a substance can be ignited with the aid of an external ignition source such as a spark, while the auto-ignition temperature indicates the temperature at which a substance burns without an external ignition source.

The sample was heated from room temperature to 600°C at 10 K/min.
The combustion peak of the cotton components is clearly visible at around 430°C.
The enthalpy released is about 60 J/g, based on the weighed mass.
This allows the cotton content to be quantified.
The black curve shows the heat flow signal, the red curve shows the derivation of the DSC signal over the temperature in order to determine the exact start and end point of the reaction as well as the maximum of the reaction peak.

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