Thin Film Analyzer
Analyzer for Thermal Conductivity and Electrical Properties
Physical properties are becoming more and more important in industries and thin film applications such as phase-change materials, optical disk media, thermoelectric materials, light emitting diodes (LEDs), fuel cells, phase change memories, flat panel displays, and the semiconductor industry in general.
In order to be able to characterize thin film technology with regard to its suitability and efficiency for a certain application, various measuring principles have been developed over time and measuring devices based on them have been designed.
Over the past century, materials research has focused on macroscopic samples, which are often referred to as bulk samples. Accordingly, chronologically, primarily measuring devices for solid materials were initially developed. However, since the requirements for the characterization of nanostructured samples differ from bulk material, different metrology needs to be used.
Linseis Products for Thin Film Characterization
Linseis offers a very comprehensive product lineup for the measurement of the thermal and electrical transport properties of thin films from the nanometer (nm ) to the micrometer (µm) in a temperature range from liquid nitrogen (-196°C) up to temperatures of +2800°C.
The TFA and HCS 1 operate in agreement with national and international standards such as ASTM F76 – 08 (Standard Test Methods for Measuring Resistivity and Hall Coefficient and Determining Hall Mobility in Single-Crystal Semiconductors).
Our Thin Film Analysis product lineup consists of:
The TFA – Thin Film Analyzer, which is a unique, chip-based platform to simultaneously measure a thin film’s thermal conductivity and the in-plane electrical conductivity, the Seebeck coefficient as well as the Hall constant of a thin film sample in the temperature range from -170°C up to 280°C and in a magnetic field of up to 1 T.
The TF-LFA, which is an advanced version of the standard LaserFlash, which measures the thermal diffusivity of materials using a pump-probe setup (TDTR – Time-domain thermoreflectance). This optical measurement technique allows the characterization of nm to µm thin films and coatings as well as the characterization of high conductive bulk materials.
The HCS platform, which is stands for Hall Characterization System. Our hall systems can be equipped either with a permanent magnet or electromagnet and are used to measure the electrical transport properties (Resistivity, Hall Constant, Charge Carrier Concentration, Hall Mobility) of thin films or bulk samples in a temperature range from -196°C up to +700°C.
The LSR platform, which is our standard platform to measure thin film Resistivity and Seebeck Coefficient in the widest temperature range from -100°C up to +1500°C. The device can be equipped with various accessories like adapters for thin films, free standing films and foils as well as an adapter to measure zT directly, using the innovative Harman technique.
The LFA – LaserFlash Analyzer, which is used to measure the thermal diffusivity of thicker films and coatings in the tens to hundreds of µm range. The Laser Flash technique allows thermal transport measurements up to high temperature ranges of +2800°C.
The LZT, which is a cost effective solution for thermoelectric samples, as it is the combination of a LFA and LSR unit.
Fields of applications
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