GSA PT 1000

High-end measuring device under high pressure and temperature


To the point

The GSA PT 1000 series is based on the proven Linseis microbalance design.
This extremely sensitive microbalance is available in two versions, with a maximum initial weight of 2 / 15 / 100 g and a resolution of 0.1/1 ug.

The maximum temperature range is from -150 to 1800°C, with a maximum pressure range from UHV (ultra-high vacuum) to 150 bar.

An optional TG-DSC (Thermogravimetry – Differential Scanning Calorimetry) sensor enables the simultaneous determination of weight change and caloric reaction in a single measurement.
Optional gas and vapor dosing systems are available as well as the possibility of coupling to residual gas analysis.

Unique features

Wide temperature and pressure range:
measurements from -150°C to 1800°C
and pressure range from ultra-high
vacuum to 150 bar

Highly sensitive microbalance:
Available with maximum initial weight
of 5/25 g and resolution of 0.1/1 µg.

Simultaneous TG-DSC analysis:
Optional sensor for Simultaneous
determination of weight change
and caloric reaction.

Flexible gas and vapor dosing:
Support for a wide range of gases and vapors.

Wide range of applications:
Sorption processes, chemical
reactions, in-situ gas analysis
and more.

Service hotline

+1 (609) 223 2070


+49 (0) 9287/880 0

Our service is available Monday to
Thursday from 8 am to 4 pm
and Friday from 8 am to 12 pm.

We are here for you!


Black on white


GSA PT 1000 *

Temperature range:RT up to 1100°C and max. 150 bar
RT up to 1400/1800°C and max. 50 bar
Vacuum:10E-4 mbar
Max. Sample weight:2/15/100g
Resolution:0.1/0.5/10 µg
DSC resolution:0.3/0.4/1 µW
DSC sensor:E, K, S, C
DTA sensitivity:undefined
Options:Gas mixing plant
Atmosphere:inert, oxidised **, red, vac.
*Specifications depend on the configurations
** Not possible with graphite heater


Making values visible and comparable

The powerful LINSEIS thermal analysis software, which is based on Microsoft® Windows®, performs the most important function in the preparation, execution and evaluation of thermoanalytical experiments, in addition to the hardware used.
With this software package, Linseis offers a comprehensive solution for programming all device-specific settings and control functions, as well as for data storage and evaluation.
The package was developed by our in-house software specialists and application experts and has been tried and tested over many years.

TG properties

  • Percentage (%) and absolute (mg/ug) change in mass
  • Evaluation of the mass loss
  • Residual mass determination
  • 1st and
    2nd derivative (peak temperature of the mass change)

HT-DSC properties

  • Complete glass dot determination
  • Specific heat Cp determination
  • Multible measuring/melting points for temperature calibration
  • Peak flat / enthalpy determination (various baseline types)
  • Enthalpy determination taking into account the change in mass
  • Determination of onset, peak, inflection point and final temperature

General functions

  • Real-time color display
  • Automatic and manual scaling
  • Display of the axes freely selectable (e.g. temperature
    e.g. temperature (x-axis) against delta L (y-axis))
  • Mathematical calculations (e.g. first and second derivatives)
  • Saving complete evaluations
  • Multitasking function
  • Multi-user function
  • Zoom function for curve sections
  • Any number of curves can be loaded on top of each other for comparison
  • Online Help Menu
  • Free labeling
  • EXCEL® and ASCII export of measurement data
  • Data smoothing
  • Zero curves are offset
  • Cursor function
  • Statistical curve evaluation (mean value curve with confidence interval)
  • Tabular printout of the data and expansion coefficients
  • Calculation of Alpha Phys, Alpha Tech, relative expansion L/L0
  • Curve arithmetic, addition, subtraction, multiplication


Application example: TPD, TPO and TPR measurements

The following figure shows the chemical desorption of ammonia from the surface of a zeolite catalyst.
Weakly bound ammonia molecules desorb between 100°C and 250°C, more strongly bound ones only between 260°C and 500°C.
The amount of ammonia desorbed can be measured quantitatively and thus allows a statement to be made about the acid centers in the sample.

Application example: In-situ FTIR

The following figure shows an in-situ FTIR measurement during theCO2 gasification of an anthracite in a TGA system (sample temperature: 1100°C, pureCO2 atmosphere.
The gas flow rate is 20 ml/min at 273K at 0.013bar during the FTIR measurement.
Measurement duration: 30s.
CO absorption at 4300cm-1,CO2 absorption at 4900cm-1.

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