Quenching DIL – Steel rod – Thermal expansion / Deformation

Stainless steel – Thermal expansion / deformation – Quench cooling

The L78 Q/D is the ideal in­strument for optimizing the quench rate after multi-step deformations. With these measurements the proces­sing of steel can be simula­ted to control the crystalline structure and the physical properties. The quenching and deformation rate is very important for the properties of the end product and to optimize forging processes.

App. Nr. 02-014-001 QDIL – Steel rod – Thermal expansion and Deformation

App. Nr. 02-014-001 QDIL – Steel rod – Thermal expansion and Deformation

In this example, after the initial heating and resultant thermal expansion, the par­cel of steel is held isother­mally and goes through a series of 2 deformation steps: an initial 1mm de­formation over a 10 s time period followed by a second 1 mm deformation over again 10 s time period.

After the deformation steps the material is quenched and the contraction and phase transformation is measured. These data can be used for manufacturers to optimize their production processes for steels with the requested physical properties.

Related instruments


  • Quenching and Deformation/Tension Dilatometer family
  • determination of TTT, CHT and CCT diagrams
  • up to 2500°C/s heating and cooling
  • -150 up to 1600°C Temperature range
